“Homeschooling is an act of liberation and an act of passion. It is an occasion to walk away from institutional images of life and to embrace a vision that is filled with personal meaning and unmistakable truths for our families. The quality of awareness that comes from the heart is more dependable… Homeschooling… is about helping make it possible for children to reach maturity with healthy, curious, fully conscious minds.” ~ Earl Gary Stevens
“The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal.” ~ R.D. Laing
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ Carl Jung
“The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.” ~ James Baldwin
A Talk to Teachers | James Baldwin
“No man can lift you to the level you desire. The power to ascend is within yourself; it is your consciousness” ~ Neville Goddard
“The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers.” ~ L.R. Knost
“Consciously, intentionally, and consistently living out how we want our children to turn out is the most powerful and effective character training there is.” ~ L.R. Knost
“It is all-important to bear in mind that the child only begins to pass from consciousness to self-consciousness between the ages of nine and ten. To teach grammar before this age, therefore, is absolutely irrational.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
“The things I thought were so important – because of the effort I put into them – have turned out to be of small value. And the things I never thought about, the things I was never able to either to measure or to expect, were the things that mattered.” ~ Thomas Merton
“My children attend school 30 hours a week, use about 6 hours getting ready, going and coming home, and spend an average of 7 hours a week in homework - a total of 45 hours. During that time, they are under constant surveillance, have no private time or private space, and are disciplined if they try to assert individuality in the use of time or space. That leaves 12 hours a week out of which to create a unique consciousness. Of course, my kids eat, and that takes some time - not much, because they’ve lost the tradition of family dining, but if we allot 3 hours a week to evening meals, we arrive at a net amount of private time for each child of 9 hours.” ~ John Taylor Gatto
Steven Greer Petaluma Workshop Pt. 1: The Holographic Conscious Universe
Steven Greer Petaluma Workshop Pt. 2: States of Consciousness & Levels of Civilization