Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Top Comments:

“I’m an elementary public school teacher in the US. Kids are passing their grade level even though they fail our classes. There’s no accountability. No expectations nor reasons for kids to succeed. No pressure for parents to make sure kids are doing what they need to succeed. It’s always about what more teachers can do (not parents or students) while admin stacks our classes to the brim and give us zero power and authority to lead. Then, ironically, everyone wonders why student test scores are so low.” ~ E.

D-I-E Must DIE by Jordan Peterson

"It’s money and power, not race and gender, that give you privilege.

Celebrities can assault one another in front of others without consequence.

They can shoot a gun resulting in death without consequence.

They can be sentenced to jail time for faking a crime and get released." ~ Paige Sully




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