“Following instructions at all times is the main prerequisite and the main trait of slave mentality. But it’s easy and automatic. Except, you donate your life and your free life choices to someone else, right?”
Humans are either slaves to human nature or masters of human nature.
“Be a free thinker and don’t accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.” ~ Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
“Schooling was influenced by the idea that self-directed learning created ‘dangerous,’ free-thinking, intelligent people who would make sure the government never became more powerful than the people.” ~ Laurie A. Couture
“Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds wit…
Our society has been dumbed down and indoctrinated to the point that most people actually believe everything they hear and assume that every critical thinker is a conspiracy theorist. Part of the problem is that people are so distracted with TV shows, movies, video games, media, sports, etc. People are so preoccupied with meaningless things that they never question or look into things.
The term “Conspiracy Theory” was coined by the CIA during the Kennedy Investigation and was designed to discre…
"You must control your attention to control your life."
"Your ability to choose where you direct your attention in each moment is your greatest superpower."
"Attention management… is the ability to recognize when your attention is being stolen (or has the potential to be stolen) and to instead keep it focused on the activities you choose."
"The ultimate result is the ability to create a life of choice , around things that are important to you."
Always exercise CONTROL of your life - don’t follow the status quo with the masses of sheeple & zombies. We live in a world where most people can’t use their brain to think to the point, their very own thoughts are not even their own. They are controlled much like a remote control car, but no one is driving it. There is NO CONTROL.
Go for your own individuality - Don’t conform to what everyone else is doing.
Remember this:
What controls your attention controls your life.
You are not subject …