Here’s the NY Times presenting a problem while acting completely oblivious to what caused it. Abortion, vaccines, suicide, treating children like they are cattle.
Have you asked your kids if THEY actually want to go to school? OR if they would prefer to spend their time more wisely engaging in their own self-directed learning pursuing their passions.
“If children are being told WHAT to learn, WHEN and HOW to learn, 6 hours a day, 5 DAYS A WEEK - no wonder CREATIVE THINKING in children is plummeting, and ANXIETY & DEPRESSION is continuing to rise.” ~ Kirsty Lee
“The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. Oppositional energy only create…
“Early reading was associated with early academic success, but less lifelong educational attainment and worse midlife adjustment. Early school entry was associated with less educational attainment, worse midlife adjustment, and most importantly, increased mortality risk.”