
The following 5 textbook publishers own the public & private school textbook publishing industry. Interestingly enough, all 5 companies are publicly traded, with majority stock ownership by some of the most corrupt private equity companies in the world. While these companies love to use the word education, the more you learn about them, the more you will understand & realize that these companies could careless about your education and more about profits. Whether you go to public or private school or do online schooling, one or more of these companies are most likely indoctrinating you! These textbook publishers have longstanding government contracts with public schools for guaranteed taxpayer funding, they write the curriculums that teachers have to follow. Most all of these companies textbooks are cheaply printed in China so they can maximize profits.

Almost 80% of the textbook industry is dominated by five publishing companies — Pearson Education, Scholastic, McGraw-Hill Education, Cengage Learning, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

1) Pearson

2) Scholastic
Scholastic is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books and print and digital educational materials for pre-K to grade 12. Scholastic is owned by a conglomerate of private equity companies including BlackRock & Vanguard. Unsurprisingly, Vanguard, a private company, is the Majority Shareholder of Blackrock.

3) McGraw-Hill

4) Cengage
Cengage is owned by a conglomerate of private equity companies including corrupt KKR and BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager and one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.

5) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is largely owned by a conglomerate of private equity companies including BlackRock & Vanguard.
