The Truth About Drugs

The Sickness Business
Over 8 Million (11%) of the 74 million kids in the USA are taking psychiatric drugs alone. Many other kids abuse alcohol, marijuana and other mind altering illicit drugs. Psychiatry is a scam, it’s all about money at the expense of children. The side effects alone are horrendous, what sane parent gives their kids meds that cause suicide? Highly recommend the first documentary below, Psychiatry An Industry Of Death. THIS IS A NATIONAL CRISIS! And the lucky kids who aren’t being drugged are socializing with the drugged kids and being influenced by them at school. Schools manufacture a culture of addiction, providing a temporary escape from the realities of schooling which is why so much of our culture is shaped and influenced by our addictions.

Why do they call it ‘Alternative Medicine’ when it is the original medicine that humans have been using for thousands of years? Chemical medications were discovered about 100 years ago.

Schooling is the #1 feeder of the sickness business. Schooling promotes a completely artificial and unnatural existence. As Kerry McDonald pointed out in her book, Unschooled, a processed diet is the same as a processed curriculum. A processed diet makes your body sick whereas a processed curriculum makes your mind sick.

“How can you sell the drug, if first you do not sell the disease?!” ~ SVP, Pfizer Drug Company, 2008

“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.” ~ Dr. Sebi

“Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.” ~ Ivan Illich

“There’s an herb for every system, every organ, every gland, and every tissue of our body. Mother nature has put medicine in our food.” ~ Bob Marley

“Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.” ~ Voltaire

“Just like animals in a zoo, over 8 million children in public schools are given prescription drugs to help them cope with the environment or to help teachers cope with them.” ~ Cevin Soling

“Americans make up 5% of the world population but consume 65% of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs. We take in more drugs than the whole world combined. Eighty drug commercials every hour of every day. Big Pharma spends 19x more on advertisements than research. Let that sink in.” ~ Dr. Ben Tapper Banned on Twitter for speaking Truth

Drug overdoses are skyrocketing!



“The fact that millions of schoolchildren require medication on a daily basis so they can more easily assimilate into the culture of public schooling does not mean these children are damaged. It means something is very wrong with the whole idea of schooling.”

“The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950’s.”
