Yale University Named After Racist Slave Trading Founder


The following tweets were censored from Twitter so I posted the Archive below:

“Yale University was named for Elihu Yale. Not just a man who had slaves. An actual slave trader. I call on Yale to change it’s name immediately and strip the name of Yale from every building, piece of paper, and merchandise. Otherwise, they hate black people. #CancelYale

“Absolutely not. If Yale is going to to make right its racist history, it’s endowments must be seized and distributed to black people. Also, all campus buildings will serve as low income housing. Otherwise,c Yale hates black people. #CancelYale

“I take no pleasure in it, but if we’re tearing down the Confederacy, we’re gonna have to tear down a place named after a slave trader. Yale must change its name immediately and issue a public apology. Or disband the university altogether. #CancelYale

“ATTENTION: The Yale Center for British Art is currently displaying this painting of Elihu Yale, prominent slave trader. Yale hates black people and thinks they should be traded as commodities. #CancelYale


“I am calling on both parties in Congress to pass the Strip University Credentials Act for every American university like Yale, Georgetown, and Brown who are founded by slave owners. I’m calling it the SUC Act. End university racism and these monuments to slavery. #SucAct


“Why did you attend Yale University when it’s named after a slave trader? You’ve even returned to Yale to give speeches. Why do you support the slave trade and treating black people like cattle? Renounce Yale immediately or you’re racist. #CancelYale


“One of these men is having statues of himself removed. The other was a slave trader and his name is celebrated and plastered all over an American university. #ElihuYale #CancelYale Pass the #SucAct


“No. I will not rest until the name ‘Yale’ is banished from every part of society. The only place it should be displayed is the “Slavery” section of a museum. #ElihuYale #CancelYale Pass the #SucAct


“I know they are. I’ve heard they’re furious with me. It is my honor to stand up against slave traders. Black people are not inferior and should not be slaves. No matter what Yale #CancelYale


“Anyone displaying a ‘Yale’ logo in any form is championing the name of a man responsible for this genocide of Black people. Do black lives not matter? Seize Yale’s endowment and redistribute it as reparations. #CancelYale


“PICTURED: How the founder of Yale made his fortune.”


“Watching Jesse Kelly turn cancel culture back on the originators of cancel culture is the drug I didn’t know I needed today.”


“REMINDER: At this very moment, Yale is still displaying the likeness of Elihu Yale. Elihu literally tortured and killed Black people for the color of their skin as he trafficked them across the Atlantic and into a life of slavery. #CancelYale #BlackLivesMatter


“My life goal is to burn the American university system to ash for what it’s done to the minds of this generation. And salt the ground on which it stood.”


“There is no Confederacy without the Ivy League. Anyone suggesting the removal of a Confederate general’s name without also suggesting tearing down Ivy League schools is unserious about solving racism. #WeShallOvercome #CancelYale


“I did. Sadly, they’re shackling comments the way Elihu Yale used to shackle captive black people on his slave ships. They cannot silence a nation waking up to the racism of Yale. We will not be silent. We will not be ignored. #CancelYale


“How many black people were tortured and murdered in captivity because of Elihu Yale? How can Yale continue as an organization with such a racist past? We must shutter this monument to racism and oppression. Bye Yale #CancelYale


"We have an entire generation of Americans who’ve been educated for 16 years in government schools on how much America sucks. Now they’re senators, CEOs, and journalists.

Suicide by education."

“Today I learned that Yale University is named in honor of slave trader Elihu Yale. Here is his statue, which sits on the university’s campus. Elihu Yale - Wikipedia #CancelYale


“The total number of African deaths directly attributable to the Middle Passage voyage is estimated at up to two million.” Yale was endowed with money made from the blood and pain of black men. That fund has grown to >$30 billion. #CancelYale"
